This is a selection of PS Snippets to quickly display some
StifleR Statistics without using the dashboards
This is a selection of PS Snippets to quickly display some
StifleR Statistics without using the dashboards
#Server processing stats#
#Use this to check the health of the SignalR Hub in processing messages etc
#Same stats as displayed in the Performance dashboard
#Generally - XXXXInitiated should = XXXXCompleted
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from StiflerEngine WHERE id = 1" `
| FL -property NumberOfClients, ActiveNetworks, ActiveRedLeaders,HubConnectionInitiated,HubConnectionCompleted,`
ClientINfoInitiated, ClientInfoCompleted, JobReportInitiated ,JobReportCompleted,JobReporDeltatInitiated,JobReportDeltaCompleted
| FL -property NumberOfClients, ActiveNetworks, ActiveRedLeaders,HubConnectionInitiated,HubConnectionCompleted,`
ClientINfoInitiated, ClientInfoCompleted, JobReportInitiated ,JobReportCompleted,JobReporDeltatInitiated,JobReportDeltaCompleted
#### END Server Processing stats
#### Display the top nn Clients - Time since last checkin (this checks for 'dead' clients that have disconnected but are still on the StifleR server))
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * From Clients"| sort-object -Property `
lastcheckintime | select-object ComputerName,NetworkID,@{Name='Last Checkin Time ';Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime( $_.lastcheckintime)}}, `
@{Name='TimeSinceLastCheckin';Expression={New-Timespan -End $_.ConvertToDateTime( $_.lastcheckintime)}} -First 30 |ft -AutoSize
lastcheckintime | select-object ComputerName,NetworkID,@{Name='Last Checkin Time ';Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime( $_.lastcheckintime)}}, `
@{Name='TimeSinceLastCheckin';Expression={New-Timespan -End $_.ConvertToDateTime( $_.lastcheckintime)}} -First 30 |ft -AutoSize
#### END Client Checking Time
### Check for duplicate clients - performs 2 counts - unique/all - both counts should be the same
$UC = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * From Clients" | Get-Unique
$AC = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * From Clients"
Write-Host "Count of Unique Clients " $UC.Count
Write-Host "Count of Actual Clients " $AC.Count
$AC = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * From Clients"
Write-Host "Count of Unique Clients " $UC.Count
Write-Host "Count of Actual Clients " $AC.Count
### END Check For Duplicates
### Queue Per Subnet###
### Shows the BITS and Delivery Optimization queue at each subnet so that you can spot bottlenecks
$AllTX = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients" | Select-Object TotalQueueSize_BITS,TotalQueueSize_DO, NetworkID
$alltx |Group-Object NetworkID | %{
New-Object psobject -Property @{
NetworkID = $_.Name
BITSTotal =“{0:N2}” -f (($_.Group | Measure-Object TotalQueueSize_BITS -Sum).Sum /1MB)
DOTotal = “{0:N2}” -f(($_.Group | Measure-Object TotalQueueSize_DO -Sum).Sum /1MB)
Clients = $_.Count
}| Sort-Object -Property Clients | FT -AutoSize
Write-Host "Total CLient Count: " $alltx.count
$alltx |Group-Object NetworkID | %{
New-Object psobject -Property @{
NetworkID = $_.Name
BITSTotal =“{0:N2}” -f (($_.Group | Measure-Object TotalQueueSize_BITS -Sum).Sum /1MB)
DOTotal = “{0:N2}” -f(($_.Group | Measure-Object TotalQueueSize_DO -Sum).Sum /1MB)
Clients = $_.Count
}| Sort-Object -Property Clients | FT -AutoSize
Write-Host "Total CLient Count: " $alltx.count
###END Queue Per Subnet###
###Get the total outstanding downloads for BITS and DO
$AllTX = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients " | Select-Object TotalQueueSize_BITS,TotalQueueSize_DO
$BITSTotal = “{0:N2}” -f (($AllTX | measure-object TotalQueueSize_BITS -sum).sum /1GB)
$DOTotal = “{0:N2}” -f (($AllTX | measure-object TotalQueueSize_DO -sum).sum /1GB)
$AllTX = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients " | Select-Object TotalQueueSize_BITS,TotalQueueSize_DO
$BITSTotal = “{0:N2}” -f (($AllTX | measure-object TotalQueueSize_BITS -sum).sum /1GB)
$DOTotal = “{0:N2}” -f (($AllTX | measure-object TotalQueueSize_DO -sum).sum /1GB)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " Total in BITS Q $BITSTotal GB"
Write-Host " Total in DO Q $DOTotal GB"
Write-host " Number of Clients " $alltx.Count
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " Total in BITS Q $BITSTotal GB"
Write-Host " Total in DO Q $DOTotal GB"
Write-host " Number of Clients " $alltx.Count
Write-Host ""
###END Get the total outstanding downloads for BITS and DO
### Show All Delivery Optimization Jobs
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Downloads WHERE TYPE = 'DO'" `
| select-object State, @{L='Type';E={$_.CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName}}, DefinitionIdentfier,`
@{Name='Job Size (MB)';Expression={ “{0:N2}” -f ($_.Size /1MB)}},`
@{Name='From Origin (MB) ';Expression={ “{0:N2}” -f ($_.CurrentJobFromOriginInBytes /1MB)}},`
@{Name='From P2P (MB) ';Expression={ “{0:N2}” -f ($_.CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes /1MB)}},`
@{Name='Time Completed ';Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime( $_.Completed)}} | FT -AutoSize
### END Show All Delivery Optimization Jobs ###
###### RED LEADERS ######
#Select all Currently Transferring Red Leaders and show the Queue etc
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE ActivelyTRansferring = True AND IsRedLeader = TRUE" `
| Select-Object ComputerName, @{L='BITS Job';E={$_.CUrrentJobName_BITS}}, Bandwidthallowed, `
NetworkID, @{L='BITS B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_BITS}},@{L='DO B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_DO}}`
, @{L='BITS Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_BITS /1MB)}},@{L='DO Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_DO /1MB)}} |FT -AutoSize
| Select-Object ComputerName, @{L='BITS Job';E={$_.CUrrentJobName_BITS}}, Bandwidthallowed, `
NetworkID, @{L='BITS B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_BITS}},@{L='DO B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_DO}}`
, @{L='BITS Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_BITS /1MB)}},@{L='DO Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_DO /1MB)}} |FT -AutoSize
##END Show Red Leaders Queue
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients" | select-object version
### Show all clients on a specific subnet ###
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE NetworkID = ''" | `
Select-Object ComputerName,@{L='RL ?';E={$_.IsRedLeader}}, Activelytransferring, BandwidthAllowed, `
@{L='BITS Job';E={$_.CUrrentJobName_BITS}}, @{L='BITS B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_BITS}},@{L='DO B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_DO}}`
, @{L='BITS Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_BITS /1MB)}},@{L='DO Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_DO /1MB)}}, NetworkID |FT -AutoSize
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE NetworkID = ''" | `
Select-Object ComputerName,@{L='RL ?';E={$_.IsRedLeader}}, Activelytransferring, BandwidthAllowed, `
@{L='BITS Job';E={$_.CUrrentJobName_BITS}}, @{L='BITS B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_BITS}},@{L='DO B/W ';E={$_.MinuteBandwidthUsed_DO}}`
, @{L='BITS Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_BITS /1MB)}},@{L='DO Queue';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.TotalQueueSize_DO /1MB)}}, NetworkID |FT -AutoSize
### END Show all clients on a specific subnet ###
### Show a single Client - quick snapshot ###
$Cname = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the Computer Name to view some stats..'
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE computername = '$Cname'" `
| select-object OSBuild,Activelytransferring, IsRedLeader, bandwidthallowed, CurrentJobName_BITS, minutebandwidthused_BITS, minuteBandwidthused_DO,CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes_BITS,DOJobs
## get info from the downloads table for that machine
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Downloads WHERE ID Like '%$Cname%'" | select-object Name, `
@{L='Definition';E={$_.CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName}}, State,Priority, StifleRID, @{Name='Computer Name';Expression={$_.ID.Substring(0,8)}}, `
@{L='Server (MB)';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.CurrentJobFromOriginInBytes /1MB)}},@{L='P2P (MB)';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes /1MB)}}| FT -AutoSize
$Cname = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the Computer Name to view some stats..'
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE computername = '$Cname'" `
| select-object OSBuild,Activelytransferring, IsRedLeader, bandwidthallowed, CurrentJobName_BITS, minutebandwidthused_BITS, minuteBandwidthused_DO,CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes_BITS,DOJobs
## get info from the downloads table for that machine
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Downloads WHERE ID Like '%$Cname%'" | select-object Name, `
@{L='Definition';E={$_.CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName}}, State,Priority, StifleRID, @{Name='Computer Name';Expression={$_.ID.Substring(0,8)}}, `
@{L='Server (MB)';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.CurrentJobFromOriginInBytes /1MB)}},@{L='P2P (MB)';E={“{0:N2}” -f ($_.CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes /1MB)}}| FT -AutoSize
### END Show a single Client - quick snapshot ###
##### DOWNLOADS ####
### Show all downloads from a specific machine - insert the Computer Name where it says xxxxx12345 ###
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Downloads WHERE ID Like '%1021346x%'" | select-object Name, CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName, State, @{Name='Computer Name';Expression={$_.ID.Substring(0,8)}}
### END Show all downloads from a specific machine ###
### Show all downloads currently in an Error state ###
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Downloads WHERE State Like '%Error%'" `
| select-object Name,Type, State, @{Name='Computer Name';Expression={$_.ID.Substring(0,8)}} | FT -AutoSize
| select-object Name,Type, State, @{Name='Computer Name';Expression={$_.ID.Substring(0,8)}} | FT -AutoSize
### END Show all downloads currently in an Error state ###
###Display stats every 3 secs for all transferrinf subnets ###
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5
$sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
while ($sw.elapsed -lt $timeout){
if ($host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) {
$key = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey()
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE ActivelyTRansferring = True And IsRedLeader = True" | Select-Object ComputerName,Activelytransferring, bandwidthallowed, NetworkID, MInuteBandwidthUsed_BITS,MinuteBandwidthUsed_DO | FT -AutoSize
gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients WHERE ActivelyTRansferring = True And IsRedLeader = True" | Select-Object ComputerName,Activelytransferring, bandwidthallowed, NetworkID, MInuteBandwidthUsed_BITS,MinuteBandwidthUsed_DO | FT -AutoSize
start-sleep -seconds 5
###END Display stats every 3 secs for all transferrinf subnets ###
###END Display stats every 3 secs for all transferrinf subnets ###
### Dump all BITS/DO Jobs ###
$allDOJobs = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Downloads WHERE TYPE = 'DO'" #change to Type = 'BITS' if required or just remove the WHERE for all types
foreach ( $DOJob in $allDOJobs ) {
$Computer = $DOJob.ID
Computer = $Computer.Substring(0,8)
JobName = $DOJob.CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName
DefinitionID = $DOJob.DefinitionIdentfier
JobSize = $DOJob.Size
BytesFromServer = $DOJob.CurrentJobFromOriginInBytes
BytesFromPeers = $DOJob.CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes
TimeCompleted = $DOJob.Completed
} | Export-Csv C:\AllDOJobs.csv -notype -Append
JobName = $DOJob.CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName
DefinitionID = $DOJob.DefinitionIdentfier
JobSize = $DOJob.Size
BytesFromServer = $DOJob.CurrentJobFromOriginInBytes
BytesFromPeers = $DOJob.CurrentJobFromPeersInBytes
TimeCompleted = $DOJob.Completed
} | Export-Csv C:\AllDOJobs.csv -notype -Append
### END Dump all DO Jobs ###
###Dump some subnet info - "SubnetID","ActiveClients","TargetBW","UsedBW","PercentUsed" - so you can see if B/W is bein over/under used ###
$allSubs = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Subnets where ActiveClients > 0"
foreach ( $Sub in $allSubs ) {
$PerCentUsed = “{0:P2}” -f ($Sub.CurrentBandwidth / $Sub.TargetBandwidth)
$UsedBW = “{0:N2}” -f ($Sub.CurrentBandwidth)
foreach ( $Sub in $allSubs ) {
$PerCentUsed = “{0:P2}” -f ($Sub.CurrentBandwidth / $Sub.TargetBandwidth)
$UsedBW = “{0:N2}” -f ($Sub.CurrentBandwidth)
SubnetID = $Sub.SubnetID
ActiveClients = $Sub.ActiveClients
TargetBW = $Sub.TargetBandwidth
UsedBW = $UsedBW
PercentUsed = $PerCentUsed
} | Export-Csv C:\ActiveSubnetBWPercent.csv -notype -Append
SubnetID = $Sub.SubnetID
ActiveClients = $Sub.ActiveClients
TargetBW = $Sub.TargetBandwidth
UsedBW = $UsedBW
PercentUsed = $PerCentUsed
} | Export-Csv C:\ActiveSubnetBWPercent.csv -notype -Append
### END Dump some subnet B/W info ###
### Dump all clients - StifleR version, OS version etc ###
$allClients = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * From Clients"
foreach ( $Cli in $allClients ) {
$allClients = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * From Clients"
foreach ( $Cli in $allClients ) {
Computer = $Cli.Computername
ConnID = $Cli.ConnectionID
Version = $Cli.Version
OSBuild = $Cli.OSBuild
} | Export-Csv C:\AllClients2.csv -notype -Append
ConnID = $Cli.ConnectionID
Version = $Cli.Version
OSBuild = $Cli.OSBuild
} | Export-Csv C:\AllClients2.csv -notype -Append
### END Dump all clients ###
#####Get all active transfers, work out % of allowed bandwidth being used, and export to .CSV ###
$allCli = gwmi -namespace root\StifleR -Query "Select * from Clients where ActivelyTransferring = True"
foreach ( $Client in $allCli ) {
if ($Client.CurrentJobSize -eq 0){$Jobsize = 1} else {$Jobsize = $Client.CurrentJobSize}
$PerCentUsed = “{0:P2}” -f ($Client.BandwidthUsed / $Client.BandwidthAllowed)
$UsedBW = “{0:N2}” -f ($Client.BandwidthUsed)
$PeerBWBITS = “{0:N2}” -f ($Client.peerbandwidthused_BITS)
$PeerBWDO = “{0:N2}” -f ($Client.peerbandwidthused_DO)
$PercentJobComplete = “{0:P2}” -f ($Client.CurrentJobTransferred / $Jobsize)
#display some basic stats - comment this next line out if you don't want to display
$Client.ComputerName + " BW Allowed: " + $Client.bandwidthallowed + " Used: " + $UsedBW + " Percent: " + $PerCentUsed + " PeerBW BITS: " + $PeerBWBITS +" PeerBW DO: " + $PeerBWDO + " % Complete: " + $PercentJobComplete
#output more stats to .csv
IsRedLeader = $Client.IsRedLeader
BITSQSize = $Client.JobsOnClient
CurrentJob = $Client.CurrentJobName
CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName = $Client.CurrentJobStifleRDefinitionName
NetworkID = $Client.NetworkId
SystemName = $Client.ComputerName
AllowedBW = $Client.bandwidthallowed
UsedBW = $UsedBW
PercentUsed = $PerCentUsed
PeerBWDO = $PeerBWDO
} | Export-Csv C:\ActiveClientBWPercent.csv -notype -Append
### END Get all Active Transfers ###