Applies To
StifleR 1.9 onwards

StifleRulez.xml file is not updating on the clients even though you have set the correct path to your  internal IIS source using the STIFLERULEZURL installation switch.

In order to allow Clients to download the StifleRulez.xml file you must not only set the STIFLERULEZURL, so that they know from where to download the file, but also the UPDATERULESTIMERINSEC value so that they know how often to check for changes.

At installation.

Ensure that the UpdateRulesTimerInSec value is configured (set to “0” (Disabled) by default) by using the msi installation switch.

STIFLERULEZURL="http://yourserverfqdn/StiflerRules/StifleRulez.xml" UPDATERULESTIMERINSEC=”3600” /qn

Post installation

Manually edit the StifleR.ClientApp.exe.Config file

   <add key="UpdateRulesTimerInSec" value="3600" />

   <add key="StifleRulezURL" value="http://IISServerURL/StiflerRules/StifleRulez.xml" />

You can also kick off an update via powershell. For a machine or subnet/Location Target=IP address. For All machines Target=All

In the following the target is The final value is used to set the download to use BITS if required (1)

Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\StifleR -Path StifleREngine.Id=1 -Name UpdateRules -ArgumentList  "", "",0